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The Health and Fitness Coaching Business Accelerator course provides a clear, and personalized path for coaches to establish foundational business systems that sustainably grow their private clients. Explore all 6 levels of the course in the page below.

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Level 1

Foundations of Online Business for Health Coaches

Outcome: Coaches have a clear niche and their 90-day coaching program ready to sell.


Level 1: Modules Overview

Provides coaches with the essential building blocks for establishing their business, niche, and initial program offer.

Level 2

Establishing Your Personal Brand and Building Your Online Presence

Outcome: Coaches have an established personal brand, 90-day program web page, and personalized marketing plan in place.


Level 2: Modules Overview

Health coaches build and/or refine their online presence while constructing a robust sales and marketing funnel.

Level 3

Marketing Your Lead Magnets and Selling Your 90-Day Coaching Program

Outcome: Coaches sell and deliver a transformative coaching experience to paying client(s).


Level 3: Modules Overview

Health and fitness profesionals build compelling web pages to onboard clients seamlessly into their top-notch 90-day program.

Level 4

Analyzing Client Data For Program Improvement & The Critical Role of Client Testimonials

Outcome: Coaches create and harness testimonials to increase sales of their 90 day program.


Level 4: Modules Overview

Coaches use client data and feedback to refine program content and drive continuous improvement to create impactful testimonies and high-quality case studies.

Level 5

Creating Additional Program Offers and Mastering Client Retention to Harness a Word-of-Mouth Referral Marketing Stream

Outcome: Coaches sell their second program offering and receive a client referral.


Level 5: Modules Overview

Coaches master client retention best practices by developing new programs for client renewals, and by establishing a client referral program.

Level 6

Business Administration & Managing Your Coaching Practice

Outcome: Coaches have a system to manage their administrative responsibilities.


Level 6: Modules Overview

Coaches learn and practice time management, task prioritization, and productivity to enhance workflow, and stay compliant with business administration.

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